

Dawn Tilbury

Professor Dawn Tilbury

[email protected]

Postdoctoral Scholars

JY Kim

Dr. Jungyoon (JY) Kim

[email protected]

Focus: Physiological Modeling

Felipe Lopez

Dr. Felipe Lopez

[email protected]

Focus: Manufacturing

PhD Students

Ilya Kovalenko

Ilya Kovalenko

[email protected]
PhD Pre-Candidate

Focus: Manufacturing

Project: Multi-agent control of smart manufacturing systems

Miguel Saez

Miguel Saez

[email protected]
PhD Candidate

Focus: Manufacturing

Project: Modeling and control for manufacturing intelligence with the cloud

Zheng Wang

Zheng Wang

[email protected]
PhD Candidate Focus: Manufacturing

Project: Enhancing resilience of industrial control systems to cyber attacks

Masters Students

Efe Balta

Efe Balta

[email protected]

Focus: Manufacturing

Project: Production as a Service (PaaS)

Placeholder avatar with a grey background

Chandler Creech

[email protected]

Focus: Mobile Robotics

Project: Trust, Control and Risk in Autonomous Vehicles

Suresh Kumaar Jayaraman

Suresh Kumaar Jayaraman

[email protected]

Focus: Mobile Robotics

Project: Trust, Control and Risk in Autonomous Vehicles

Chen Li

Chen Li

[email protected]

Focus: Mobile Robotics

Project: Autonomous Innovator

Luke Petersen

Luke Petersen

[email protected]

Focus: Mobile Robotics

Project: Modeling bi-directional trust in semi-autonomy for improved system performance

Ayush Raizada

Ayush Raizada

[email protected]

Focus: Manufacturing

Project: Multi-agent control of smart manufacturing systems

Chiranjeevi Vegi

Chiranjeevi Vegi

[email protected]

Focus: Manufacturing

Project: Data-driven models for advanced fault detection